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Bookmark book lover | Spring

(3 customer reviews)


This is the ultimate bookmark for any book lover who enjoys spring reading. Spring is always a bit of a crazy season. One day it is glorious summer weather and the next day you get five spring showers outside. Fortunately, you can lose yourself in a book in many places. Whether at home under an electric blanket on the couch or in another city in a coffee shop with a big slice of fresh apple pie next to you. Use this sturdy bookmark to continue reading where you left off in your book anytime during the week.

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  • Shipped within 3 business days
  • Free shipping on orders over €50 (€75 for international orders)
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  • Always nicely wrapped

Bookmark with an illustration of a book lover

This bookmark shows every book lover’s dream: multiple bookcases with even a ladder up to the top shelf. What fairy tale movie does that remind you of? Exactly! Perhaps you too have such a beautiful book room in your home. And otherwise, get that dreamy picture into your home with this bookmark between the pages of your book. A girl searching through her bookshelves for the next book to read can be seen on one side of the bookmark. She is accompanied by the quote Every page is a new adventure. The other side of the bookmark is full of books, leaves, flowers and strawberries. Delicious spheres of spring!

Additional information

Weight 7 g
Is made from

Nice sturdy paper (350 gsm)


Firmly packed in a cardboard envelope


7.4 x 21 cm


Front and back are printed



Note: the actual colors may vary slightly from what you see on your screen. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!


3 review(s)
  1. JR


  2. SL

    sari leys

    Mooie illustratie. Love it!!

  3. JB


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